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Don't be a bully

By Drake Editorial Team

There is no room for bullying in effective leadership. Leaders must be held to a higher standard. Years ago in the 70’s and 80's, tough autocratic leadership that often bordered on bullying was viewed as effective...

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Bad customer service: “it’s the people, stupid” or “blame the bosses' policies”?

By Drake Editorial Team

In my previous blog entries I have argued about the validity of the People > Service > Profit idea and about the importance of Hiring Right. 

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How to conquer indecision

By Drake Editorial Team

Leaders need to make sure that their senior team and all their direct reports have well-defined roles and responsibilities that are linked to rewards and evaluations. This defines the first step, but it’s just the beginning.

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Ten ways to tell you positively influence employees

By Drake Editorial Team

You do a great job of directing, coordinating, and controlling (i.e. managing); but are you equally effective at leading?

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Seven steps to confront poor performance

By Drake Editorial Team

It starts with a mediocre performance review, the kind where you sense there is something you are not being told. Then you find that you have been left off the project that was agreed as part of your development plan.

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Signal to noise ratio

By David Huggins

It’s a term often used to describe the conditions when an electronically transmitted message can’t be understood because interference overwhelms it...

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