2012-03-02 13:20:32

The signs of the unsuccessful do you know them?

Drew Stevens

There are times when wonders never cease to amaze me. I have built numerous alliances in my many years of business with some of these hosting my products. Recently one of my products on cold calling was sold on one of these sites. There is a special discount due to the alliance discounting the product to $10.00. However a consumer that purchased it was complaining that their $9 coupon was not accepted. Really! 

The problem with many business professionals today is that they are simply unwilling to invest in any self-development. Research clearly shows that people will dine out, purchase ridiculous weight loss tchotchkes, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. before they invest in business development. In fact one recent study with 5000 people shows that in 88% of the instances business professionals expect their respective organization to pay for education.

This is the problem with society it is so easy to claim victimhood. Individuals run amuck blaming parents, society, family, friends; business associates etc. but do little for themselves. Ask every one of my friends and peers about success and they will tell you to avoid the crap and control your life. Destiny and happiness do not find you; you must create them. If you desire a successful, happy life in which you can thrive then stop looking discounts and start investing in the value you want to gain. Success is not gained by coupons and cutting corners but by busting butt to get what you want.

Drew Stevens PhD works with organizations that struggle with productivity that effects profits. Dr. Drew works with senior officers and their direction reports to dramatically increase relationships that build higher morale. He can be reached through his website at www.stevensconsultinggroup.com© 2012. Drew Stevens PhD. All rights reserved.


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