Published Feb 26, 2024 2 mins Reading time Back to articles

Reducing candidate ghosting: Our top tips to keep hot prospects engaged!

In a candidate short market, it is not surprising that the trend of "ghosting" is rising among candidates, which can be a source of frustration for hiring managers. Ghosting occurs when a candidate suddenly withdraws from the hiring process without any explanation, leaving the hiring manager without closure or an explanation. It's a classic case of being "ghosted."

candidate behind a computer screen

To minimise candidate ghosting or drop-offs, the recruitment teams at Drake International offer the following tips:

1. Keep in touch & develop rapport with candidates.

Maintaining regular communication with candidates throughout the recruitment process is crucial. Open and consistent communication fosters a strong relationship with the candidate and promotes transparency and honesty. Additionally, it enables you to gauge their level of interest and whether they are considering other opportunities. Always ask the candidate if they are interviewing for other roles, and which stage of the hiring process they have reached.

2. Set clear expectations.

By providing clarity around the job requirements, recruitment process, and expected timeline, candidates better understand what is expected of them and what they can anticipate throughout the process.

3. Provide feedback.

Providing feedback to candidates can be a great way to reduce ghosting. Candidates may be more likely to drop out of the process if they feel they are unclear about their progress or stage. We recommend touching base with the candidate and providing updates every few days during the shortlist phase.

4. The need for speed.

Candidates are more likely to ghost or drop off if the recruitment process is inefficient or takes too long. Ensure the process is as streamlined as possible by removing any unnecessary elements or steps, and ensuring there are no unnecessary delays.

5. Respect the candidate's time.

Be mindful of the candidate's schedule and avoid scheduling interviews at inconvenient times, or frequently rescheduling without a valid reason.

“Ghosting” is a growing trend in recruitment and one that we think will be here to stay. If you’re experiencing high levels of “ghosting”, undertake an audit of your recruitment process and seek feedback from candidates on their experience.  This can help you improve your hiring process, with the ultimate aim of providing a positive candidate experience whilst still doing all the necessary checks and balances.

For support with your recruitment process, contact the Drake team on 13 14 48 or find talent here.

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